LW02 EP:004 - Close Encounters (Of A Third Kind) / Arrival

‘Keep Watching The Skies’

On this episode of The Let’s Watch Two Podcast Sam and Elliot discuss Close Encounters, Of A Third Kind (1977), directed by Steven Spielberg and Arrival (2016), directed by Denis Villeneuve.

Do aliens exist? Is Close Encounters an allegory for religious pilgrimage? Have our co-hosts uncovered glaring plot holes in Arrival? Listen to find out!

If you have any thoughts or comments about the show, or recommendations for future double features the show could cover, please email in at letswatchtwo@gmail.com

Follow us on Instagram at instagram.com/letswatchtwo

You can follow Sam on Instagram at instagram.com/film_blogger_sam

Elliot can be found on YouTube at youtube.com/elliotcoen  and you can follow his Instagram account at instagram.com/elliotcoenfilms


LW02 Bonus EP:001 - Sight and Sound Poll 2012


LW02 EP:003 - Videodrome / They Live