LW02 EP:003 - Videodrome / They Live

‘Flesh, Spies and Videotapes’

On this episode of the Lets Watch Two Podcast, we are joined by Matt and Sarah of Amateur Filmies to discuss David Cronenberg’s1983 film Videodrome and John Carpenter’s 1988 film They Live. Find out what we think of each film individually and what common themes they share to make it a great late night drive in double feature!

Please email into the show at letswatchtwo@gmail.com for any thoughts and comments you may have, or suggestions for interesting double features we could discuss in future episodes.

Follow Sam at instagram.com/letswatchtwo

Matt and Sarah can be followed instagram.com/amateurfilmies

Additionally their YouTube is called Amateur Filmies and you can contact them via email at amateurfilmies@gmail.com

Thanks for listening!



LW02 EP:004 - Close Encounters (Of A Third Kind) / Arrival


LW02 EP:002 - Persona / 3 Women